Say FAREwell to Food Allergies

On Sunday, we participated in a family walk to help raise funds to support an organization called FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education) which is just a tremendous resource for any individual or family looking to find information or support to deal with a food allergy.

It was a beautiful fall day near Lincoln Park Zoo’s rowing lagoon, and I was emotionally overwhelmed by how many people were present (2,200 walkers), all fighting for the same cause – to support our loved ones dealing with a food allergy, whether it be to find a cure or educate others who don’t know enough about it and impact their lives.  There are far too many people who are negatively affected, whether it be through bullying of children with allergies or cross-contamination when eating out.  It was also particularly important given Dean’s anaphylactic reaction just 2 weeks ago.  I feel determined to ensure that Dean is safe but also able to live a healthy full life just as all of our children are entitled to.

Even Dean’s allergist was present with her family, and we walked the last 2 miles with her.  She’s been so helpful to our family so it was great to share in the experience with her.

Thank you to all of you who donated, sent us a message of support, or came to walk with us (mom and dad/grandma and grandpa).  Together, we met our $1,000 goal and exceeded it.  We raised an amazing $1,525 and were the 21st highest fundraising team out of 171 teams.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Dean is lucky to have so many people supporting both him and us in our pursuit to face this head on.  In total, FARE raised over $150,000.

In continuation of supporting Dean, I am also doing a 7-day food challenge this week, eating a diet just as he does, avoiding all gluten, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, peas, lentils, beans, and avocado.  It should be interesting considering I’m going to a buffet dinner Thursday, out to dinner Friday, and our friends’ house on Saturday.  If you’re also up for the challenge, join in with me.  I think it will be an eye-opening experience.


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